Spa Yoga Training with Carolyn Anne Budgell
May 1 & 2 and May 8 & 9, 2021
12:00 - 5:00pm PST
$250 + tax
After years of sharing Spa Yoga in the world, Carolyn is excited to dive deeper with teachers who are ready for slower practices. Spa Yoga was born out of witnessing injured bodies and overworked minds and realizing that slowness is crucial every day!
This 20-hour training is for teachers who love creative sequencing, intentional language and mindful variations. We will explore all things balance, breath and the nervous system. Spa Yoga isn’t just a Hatha yoga class but an invitation into a whole new world of therapeutics for the body and mind.
This training will include:
The narrative of health and wellbeing
The nervous system and rest
Breathwork to soothe and de-stress
Class planning in the Spa Yoga style
Intentional sequencing around anxiety “hot spots”
Prop usage: support, alignment or depth
Voice/languaging to invoke Spa sensations
Modifications for common injuries/tension
Practice teaching in small groups
Additional assignments
2 x Scholarships available - please email for details and to apply.
* Yoga Alliance Certified
* Manual Included
* This training will take place live through Zoom, and recordings will be available for one week.
Please email with any questions.